Eighteen hundred.

That number represents a limit…the total amount of calories I should be consuming in one day if I am wanting to safely lose weight.

The cheeseburger and fries, seen in that featured image above, narrowly exceeds that 1,800 calorie mark. While I feel I should mention that I didn’t take that exact picture, I will admit that I have had that exact meal before…at that same chain restaurant…as just one of three meals that I ate on that day.

Frankly, it’s a darn tasty meal…

…and a meal that I should probably rarely, if never eat again.

sad batmanThat does make me a bit sad…but, brighter things await with a new healthier me, right… or so I’m told

To live within my nutritional means requires two things that very much go hand in hand: discipline and budgeting.

Much like keeping track of your finances, budgeting your calories requires a degree of mindfulness and planning so that things are kept in check.

With our money, if we’re not careful, spending could get out of hand and we might find ourselves in trouble. The same holds true with our daily nutrition…except I find it a bit more invisible.

still image from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with caption reading "You must choose...but choose wisely"

My daily budget of calories is 1,800, but it’s not like I have a tangible view on 1,800 tasty calorie-bites waiting for consumption. I just see food. And that food has varying densities of nutrition and caloric mass, so to speak. This means I need to choose wisely what I consume. But not only what I eat… but when, as well. This requires planning and then discipline to stick to the plan.

So, I’ve just typed a whole lotta words…

animated gif from the Beavis and Butthead cartoon showing Beavis typing random words on a computer…but what does this actually look like…practically?

To help me budget and keep track of what I’m actually eating, I use an application called MyFitnessPal. I shared about this app in the previous post about finding tools. In this app, I’ve structured my day to have 6 meals: breakfast, snack-1, lunch, snack-2, dinner, snack-3.

I try to balance my calories across those meals to get me through the day without feeling hungry or deprived. As I prepare a meal, or eat a food during one of those mealtimes, I log it in the app, and it automagically subtracts the calories of that food from my remaining calories for the day.

As long as I’m faithful to enter my foods into the app, then I’ll always know where I stand, and how many calories I have left in my day.

This requires a commitment of honesty. Coming soon, I’ll write an entire post about the importance of accountability and honesty… not only with others, but first and foremost with yourself. A animated gif of a clip from the Ellen show with the text "The most important thing is to be true to yourself"I could sneak food and not log it. My nutritionist will NEVER find out! But, my body will respond to, and process, that food…just as it was designed to do.

So, what does a typical day look like for me, nutritionally speaking that is. Here’s a quick snapshot example of how my day looked on May 2, 2017. In total, I ate 1,726 calories on that day.

Breakfast – 357 calories

  • cottage cheese
  • nonfat greek yogurt with blackberries and granola
  • 1 egg (fried using cooking spray)
  • Tomato
  • coffee with half-and-half

Snack 1 – 140 calories

  • Carrots and green peppers
  • Sabra taco hummus
  • Sabra veggie guacamole

Lunch – 229 calories

  • Kale salad with carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, chia seeds, balsamic vinegar
  • Pepper jack cheese

Snack 2 – 310 calories

  • Clementine orange
  • HMR Benefit Nutritional Bar – Lemon Crisp flavor
  • Gouda cheese

Dinner – 690 calories (this was a bit high compared to how my ‘normal’ dinners go)

  • Pork chop
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Sauteed zucchini

Snack 3

  • No snack on this day. (often times I’ll have a small piece of 85% chocolate, if I have enough calories to spare)

For the sake of space on this post, I condensed each meal into total calories for that meal. For more details into how the individual items of each meal impacted calories, you can check out this PDF report from MyFitnessPal on exactly how that day worked out.

I’m toying around with the idea of posting my weekly nutrition and exercise logs to this blog. More on that in the weeks to come.

As I close, let’s check in with the Grail Knight from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and get his thoughts on my nutritional choices I shared here…

Animated image of the Grail knight from the movie: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with the text "You Have Chosen Wisely"


4 thoughts on “1800

  1. It really is hard Tom and you’re doing such a good job! But at least as a man, you get more calories! I’m working with 1280 a day… I use FP as well and absolutely love it!


    1. Wow. 1280! That has to be tough to balance at times.

      I find that I’m constantly making tradeoffs throughout the day. I could have some cheese now, but that’ll mean I probably couldn’t have a piece of chocolate after dinner….or I could just have it and be willing to accept that I went over on my calories for the day.

      Choices, choices…


  2. That’s awesome. About eight years ago now I started a journey of losing 25% of my body weight doing exactly what you’re doing–counting calories. As I started to really get a grasp on it and adding daily exercise activity, I’ve started to also look at macronutrients too to make sure I’m fueling my body. Unlike you, I haven’t done a good job on the accountability part and still have an inch to blog a little bit more about it. Good luck with everything and I’ll be interested to follow along!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Adam! Really cool to hear about your journey. Understanding more about macronutrients is one of the next things on my list to shoot for.


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